Slater Hayes Podcast

Whistling Teapot

March 20, 2022 Herman Veal Season 2 Episode 7
Slater Hayes Podcast
Whistling Teapot
Show Notes

I have held on to this piece...awaiting the "right" time to publish it. A time when it would not be perceived as some type of precursor to violence. No, not by those who would relish in thinking so, but by those who are new to my writings and those who desire to exclusively view me from their memories of my past life.

However, in actuality, it seems that as a Black man we are always thought to be on the cusp of perpetrating some type of horrific act.

Well, I am here to emphatically tell everyone that is willing to listen that our threat will not become manifest through some type of violence that will grip the nation.

Instead, that which you have come to fear will be evidenced at a time when that sound 
that you undeniably hear stirs the conscience of my people, especially Black men.

In my opinion it is unmistakable that we are beginning to realize that those who have been holding us captive through a blatant lack of inclusion, disparate treatment and abhorrent acts that violate our civil and human rights are afraid of our ability to positively impact our people through our intelligence. Additionally, I am thoroughly convinced that those who display the aforementioned behaviors toward us are deathly afraid that we may someday find ourselves operating from the same page as it relates to our fate as a people.

Afraid that if we begin to operate from the same page then those systems that they have meticulously crafted and nurtured will fall apart if we begin to operate on one accord and become aware that OUR VOICES MATTER. Fearful that our self-discovery will serve as a mighty weapon against those systems that they continually utilize to oppress my people.

If you read this and thought "none of this is new", then you are correct. However, those who perpetrate the cowardly acts against us are seemingly only now beginning to hear, with a heightened level of acuity, the piercing noise emanating from the

"Whistling Teapot"