Slater Hayes Podcast

"Garbage In"

April 14, 2024 Herman Veal Season 4 Episode 6

Let's see ...heretics continue in their perpetual quest to diminish and adulterate THE WORD.
Racists, who think they are not RACISTS, continue to revise and diminish history by proffering ideas that slavery, inherent human and civil rights should not be granted to all people, especially BLACKS.
Revisionists seek to ban long accepted reading lists, and close off the minds of our youth whose only resource for them to broaden their horizons is through the vivid imaginations captured on the pages that contain other's journeys.

THE LIST is infinite.

What seems to be more infinite is that there are MANY who voraciously seek to take this...
"Garbage In"
and proliferate it throughout a seemingly accepting culture; filled with those who are hell-bent on protecting personal privilege.

There is no facet of life that does not seem to be incurring the persistent and concerted assault of those who are non-accepting of change.

Their reality seems to be warped. However, there seems to be an inexplicable reality that many are anxiously awaiting to ingest the garbage that appears to be interminably growing, daily.