Slater Hayes Podcast

"Twisted Recall"

Herman Veal Season 4 Episode 3

...and may I  also add the changing of definitions in order to create false equivalence. For example, look into how the definition of racist has so dramatically changed, and to whom it now applies.

However, I remember.

That is why  it is incumbent upon US to teach our youth the  stories of  their ancestors; Those whose shoulders on which we stand.

If we do not then we allow our history to be ERASED by the
"Twisted Recall"
of those who would relegate US and our past to total and complete irrelevance!!

We, US, cannot sit idly by and allow that to happen!!!

Love your child by sharing the richness of our culture , our history.

Encourage your child  to become involved in the affairs of the community that reflect OUR HERITAGE.

It is through those things , and of course others, that we then can continue to boldly proclaim that...