Slater Hayes Podcast
The Slater Hayes Podcast is designed to highlight the everyday occurrences of life via poetry and social commentary. They are poignant, insightful pieces that address all facets of the black experience with the desired outcome of evoking thought and conversation. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks. Episodes are to be published each Sunday.
Slater Hayes Podcast
"No Fruit Here"
This piece illuminates what pervades the mind and illustrates the wicked desires of MANY who seek to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
It is now time out for dancing around the subject and possessing fear that speaking out will only further foment the hatred that has been systematically loosed in the last several years. A hatred that was seemingly under control, but set free by a conductor
filled with and spewing venom and vile vitriol.
Many are in full support of what is being purveyed and are advocating on his behalf by seeking to revise history, proselytize others, and perpetuate the diminishing and outright destruction of rights that had been attained through blood, sweat, struggle, and oftentimes the loss of life.
What those who operate from this mindset are discovering is that there is ...
"No Fruit Here"
...the system of old that sought to subjugate and hammer MY people into a position of acquiescence is finding that we look the same but are far from ready to willingly comply and return to a time when we were treated as less than human; viewed as no more than an accoutrement that allowed its owner to crow about personal status.
Well, at least MOST of US.
Women, ALL WOMEN, are not prepared to be returned to a time when they were thought to be representative of their true nature-fulfilling their calling-by being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.
There are many other groups that find themselves in the crosshairs of an onslaught that is steeped in deprivation.
What was truly intended when that guy rolled out the previously used ethnocentric slogan of MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is being fulfilled. He has stoked the embers of WHITE NATIONALISM. I purposely left out the word CHRISTIAN, because NO TRUE BELIEVER would find themselves operating from a mindset that totally obliterates the second highest commandment..."thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself."
Now, allow me to be crystal clear so that you may come to understand, there ain't,... NO FRUIT HERE!!!