Slater Hayes Podcast


Herman Veal Season 5 Episode 2

The correlation with what is occurring all around us is unmistakable to a piece that I published back in June of 2024.


is a piece related to how America has allowed, NO INVITED, the actions that are now overtaking seemingly every aspect of our lives.

We have a choice. We can bury our heads in the sand, or we can heed those attempts to organize, voice our collective displeasure, or actually participate in the widespread call to boycott on certain days.

The first wide scale event is February 28. There is a call to stay at home and KEEP our money in our pockets. Let's show them the ECONOMIC MIGHT of OUR DOLLAR.

We all know that what drives our current circumstance. Let's hit them in the only place that seems to matter to them...THE HIP PPOCKET!!!


Let's do our part to prevent this scourge from becoming even mor sticky than it already is...




 The proverbial horse left the barn quite some time ago.

Initially, there were those who sought to return it to its' rightful place, all to no avail.

Now, those who were secretly desiring that the horse would not be captured and contained have been emboldened and are seemingly willing to engage in armed battle to ensure that it is never again confined.

is a piece that was inspired by the political occurrences within this country.
Yes, it is intentional that I do not use OUR country because it is abundantly clear that there are those among us that desire that WE never experience the inherent rights granted to us as human beings. Nor do they want us to experience those rights allegedly guaranteed by the constitution.

WE MUST acknowledge that there is ill intent in the minds of many directed towards us.

I pray that we don't become so complacent and indifferent that we fail to exercise our RIGHT TO VOTE in order to counter this blatant attempt to deprive US of all that was attained through the BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS of our ancestors.

***Thank you, Aunt Lois, for encouraging me regarding the importance of who is reached and what is accomplished through the Spoken Word. I am so happy that you called me and shared that my words reminded you of your dad, RT Arnold. I am proud to carry on his legacy.

We lost you on May 20th. May your spirit REST in the arms of OUR LORD.
We love and miss you!!