Slater Hayes Podcast
The Slater Hayes Podcast is designed to highlight the everyday occurrences of life via poetry and social commentary. They are poignant, insightful pieces that address all facets of the black experience with the desired outcome of evoking thought and conversation. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks. Episodes are to be published each Sunday.
Slater Hayes Podcast
Look Up
***May your New Year be filled with HOPE and LOVE. ***
There are numerous occurrences within the Bible that speak to how numerous individuals and groups of people literally looked up to acknowledge that they were aware that their help emanated from someplace-SOMEONE- that far exceeded their human abilities to adequately confront the obstacle(s) with which they were confronted.
This act of literally and figuratively calling on and acquiescing to the presence of that SOMEONE, GOD, did not end with the characters of the bible.
I oftentimes find myself staring into space when confronted with issues. Sometimes it could be attributed to a learned behavior. However, more often than not, I can attribute it to the inherent nature that is within all of us.
"Look Up"
is the end result of words that flowed from me at a time when, after they were written, I became aware that I was looking up-talking to my GOD. A time when I was totally oblivious to what was occurring around me and totally unaware that this piece was being composed.
I encourage you, the listener, to take note of those times when you may find yourself "looking up".
After becoming aware that you were/are engaged in that act, PAUSE, and give honor to whom ALL HONOR is due. Give praise and express thanks to GOD for being a very present help at all times, not simply in times of need.
*** May your Christmas Season be filled with JOY and PEACE!!!