Slater Hayes Podcast
The Slater Hayes Podcast is designed to highlight the everyday occurrences of life via poetry and social commentary. They are poignant, insightful pieces that address all facets of the black experience with the desired outcome of evoking thought and conversation. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks. Episodes are to be published each Sunday.
Slater Hayes Podcast
The Spirit Snatchers
Black runs from January 1 thru December 31...EACH and EVERY YEAR.
Unfortunately, all the sweat, tears, and YES, BLOOD that our ancestors exhausted to simply get US to the point of where we always felt we belonged is now AT RISK of being erased...swept away by the actions of those that possess PURE and UNADULTERATED HATRED.
They now are operationg with new names. However, we know it is the same game plan.
Let US all be clear...DEI is simply a new word for nigger.
I decided to republish this piece...
"The Spirit Snatchers"
not in honor of an innocent life lost to the systematic actions of demented individuals who possess a desire to eliminate US.
I republish this piece to illuminate their actions, but, moreso, to ENCOURAGE US to remain steadfast in OUR RESILLIENCE...OUR RESISTANCE!!
Systemic actions are now being put in place through the executive actions of the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
47 has taken all of his beliefs regarding US, others of color, the LGBTQ+ community, the marginalized, and the disproportionately affected, and bombarded this republic with cruel actions that seek to stomp the literal life out of each OF US.
Not surprisingly, there are many of US and others that assisted, and are assisting him in his quest.
As this piece states this type of evil not only wants to impose it's ill will, it wants to simultaneously kill the SPIRIT of each of its victims.
Strong in the knowledge of the sacrifices of OUR ANCESTORS.
STRONG in the knowledge that...