Slater Hayes Podcast

Look to the Hills

Herman Veal Season 5 Episode 3

Well, I continue to be lead to compose these pieces and I have every intention of remaining obedient.

I was inspired to write this piece due to the tremendous amount of angst that has been created by a federal government that was created to serve its people.

ANGST THAT I WITNESSED FIRSTHAND and which impacted a close family member.

"Look to the Hills"

addresses the unconscious way we tend to reach out to those within our circle in hopes that they can assuage a situation or provide direction or clarity for circumstance that affects our lives.

Oftentimes, the person to whom you reach out is left flummoxed by the circumstance, sometimes even more-so than the person who is seeking solace or a remedy. EVEN THOUGH they DESPERATELY desire to be a SOURCE of ENCOURAGEMENT

It is important that irrespective of the circumstance, we have someone within our circle of friends or family that can redirect us towards the ultimate problem solver/comforter-GOD.

Yes, it is imperative that we have a personal relationship with GOD.

However, we sometimes find ourselves in that space that we need to hear  what is already known to be the TRUTH from an outside voice.

Who is accompanying you throughout your journey?