Slater Hayes Podcast

Majestic Adornment

September 12, 2024 Herman Veal Season 2 Episode 4

I have a PURPOSE!!

Just as many of the individual raindrops that are identified in this piece, I have been designed to share the words that emanate oftentimes from a place of which even I am not aware. They are composed and shared because THAT IS WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO!!

"Majestic Adornment" a piece that I composed after stepping out on the lanai of my in-law's home early one morning. It was as if the raindrops were talking to me. It was if they were informing me that even though their visit is oftentimes frowned upon-the result of their purpose is overwhelmingly met with glee and enduring satisfaction. 

I oftentimes feel like that lone raindrop. 

Why, may you ask? The short answer is that I sometimes feel as if the manner in which I view, and address, past and current   issues are things that MANY would rather not address at all. I feel as if I have been put in this specific place at this specific time to, just as that lone raindrop, prepare the fertile space of that special listener with a sustenance that may one day change their individual circumstance or those of the world through their personal contributions. 

I know one thing for certain,..too often many of us feel that our contributions are insignificant and minimize the potential impact of those contributions...

I am not one of those persons...