Slater Hayes Podcast
The Slater Hayes Podcast is designed to highlight the everyday occurrences of life via poetry and social commentary. They are poignant, insightful pieces that address all facets of the black experience with the desired outcome of evoking thought and conversation. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks. Each piece directly or indirectly addresses various topics as experienced through the unique perspective of blacks. Episodes are to be published each Sunday.
Slater Hayes Podcast
Majestic Adornment
I have a PURPOSE!!
Just as many of the individual raindrops that are identified in this piece, I have been designed to share the words that emanate oftentimes from a place of which even I am not aware. They are composed and shared because THAT IS WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO!!
"Majestic Adornment" a piece that I composed after stepping out on the lanai of my in-law's home early one morning. It was as if the raindrops were talking to me. It was if they were informing me that even though their visit is oftentimes frowned upon-the result of their purpose is overwhelmingly met with glee and enduring satisfaction.
I oftentimes feel like that lone raindrop.
Why, may you ask? The short answer is that I sometimes feel as if the manner in which I view, and address, past and current issues are things that MANY would rather not address at all. I feel as if I have been put in this specific place at this specific time to, just as that lone raindrop, prepare the fertile space of that special listener with a sustenance that may one day change their individual circumstance or those of the world through their personal contributions.
I know one thing for certain,..too often many of us feel that our contributions are insignificant and minimize the potential impact of those contributions...
I am not one of those persons...